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When you first walk into the club, you are likely to notice a few changes, and there are many more behind the scenes. These changes are the result of our team's dedication to providing you the safest and cleanest possible club experience. 


We Are All Cleaners


All Powerhouse Gym associates are now part of our housekeeping team. Every team member is equipped with a bottle of disinfectant, a towel, and all the necessary training on best-in-class cleaning techniques. Our challenge to ourselves: 'ABC, or always be cleaning'.

To Keep Us Together, We Stay Apart


Our club is a community, and to keep that community safe we must practice social distancing. Powerhouse Gym will take advantage of the large size of our club so that all members will have over 10,000 square feet of space. Physical dividers will be installed where necessary for our associate and member safety.

Cleaning Supplies, Supplied


You will find hand sanitizer stations throughout the club, as well as disinfectant wipes throughout all areas with shared equipment.

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Club Capacity Modified


As an extra precaution, and to help ensure proper distancing, we are reducing the maximum capacity of our club to 25% during Phase 1 of re-opening. Please try to plan your trip to the gym during non peak hours. 


**As you enter the club, you will be required to sign a form that states they will adhere to our safety guidelines. 

Personal Protective Equipment


Masks or face coverings must be worn at all times inside the gym. Masks will be available at the club for purchase.

Signage At The Club


Signs around the club will help reinforce this information. Please be on the lookout and take note of these signs.



We are using email to communicate all important club updates. If you are not currently on our email list, please stop by the front desk to subscribe. We will also use Instagram and Facebook for updates, wellness content and to stay connected to our community. Please CLICK HERE to find the links to our social media pages.

1-2 Cleaning Approach


This is our cleaning philosophy. The first line of defense is you--please make sure to wipe down equipment after you use it. The second clean is our professional staff, who will constantly clean all club equipment throughout the day.

Notification of Positive Cases

If we become aware that you have had any direct exposure to a person who has tested positive for COVID, like during a personal training session, we will reach out and notify you directly. We will report cases to, and work with, local health departments for contact tracing purposes.  In accordance with CDC guidelines aimed at conserving COVID tests for those who truly need them, and to avoid undue concern,  we do not plan to notify the entire membership or send mass emails when a positive case arises in the club. Our enhanced cleaning technology, procedures, and member etiquette guidelines greatly reduce the likelihood of general transmission within the club, even if someone with the virus happens to be at the club at the same time as you.

Disinfectant Spray


Powerhouse Gym uses EPA-approved disinfectant against COVID-19 as its standard cleaning fluid in the club. This active cleaning agent is effective while remaining harmless to humans. It is more powerful, and faster acting, than bleach and is a complete cleaning solution that can be used on all surfaces.

Disinfectant Wipes


All fitness areas throughout our facility have readily available disinfectant wipes for members to use. These wipes are powerful and safe EPA registered disinfectant wipes that are effective against 49 pathogens, including against viruses similar to COVID-19. Members are expected to wipe down all equipment and surfaces before and after use with wipes to provide quick and effective sanitation of commonly touched surfaces, as the first step in our 1-2 Cleaning Approach.

Hand Sanitizer Stations


Hand sanitizer stations are located throughout our facility. These alcohol-based sanitizers provide in excess of 70% ethyl alcohol, killing more than 99.99% of the most common germs in as little as 15 seconds. We have increased the visibility and quantity of these stations throughout our facilities, including at club check in and fitness floor.

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No Contact Water Refill Station


A proximity sensor water station is located on the gym floor, offering touch-less water refills. All drinking fountains will be temporarily decommissioned and we are asking all members to use bottled water. Water bottles are available at the club for purchase.


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Cardio & Strength: DIY Fitness Areas


Our primary fitness areas – cardio and strength – will support physical distancing between members, through modified equipment placement.


  • Strength benches and free weights will be spaced to allow for appropriate physical distancing, where possible. Otherwise, we will rely on members to practice safe physical distancing.

  • Accessory tools such as bands, ropes and other permeable items that may be difficult to properly sanitize between users will be removed from fitness areas.

  • Cardio will be spaced properly according to state & federal guidelines. If machines cannot be properly spaced, every other machine will be marked "not in use" to comply to the distancing guidelines.

  • Disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer stations will be clearly sign marked and available throughout all fitness areas.

  • Members will be expected to wipe down each piece of equipment before and after each use. This practice will be supplemented by our housekeeping and fitness staff through the 1-2 Cleaning Approach.

  • Powerhouse Gym associates will be readily visible in all fitness areas, providing periodic cleaning and assurance of proper physical distancing.

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Group Fitness


  • Programs will operate at one person per 200 square feet of space in the room. 

  • Instructors will mark the floor to indicate proper spacing from the next member.

  • Members are not to enter the group fitness areas until group fitness members have left.

  • Accessory tools such as bands and other permeable items that may be difficult to properly sanitize between users will be removed.

  • Instructors are required to spread out equipment stations within the Studio to avoid congestion.

  • Fitness instructors will not provide hands-on assists or adjustments.


Locker Rooms

Locker rooms will be available, but with reduced capacity to ensure physical distancing.

  • Selectively reduce (lock) lockers to maximize physical distancing.

  • Members will be asked to limit personal amenities such as hair dryers and grooming products.


As stages evolve, amenities will be reincorporated and assessed continually. 

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Juice Bar/Cafe
  • Tables and counter stools will be selectively removed to allow for safe physical distancing.

  • Disinfection of all shared surfaces at least every 30 minutes.

  • Associates will wear PPE while preparing food, cleaning food areas and in any member-facing function.

  • Pay points and counters will be wiped with disinfectant after each use.

  • All sales will be cashless transactions.

  • 6’ spacing for purchasing and pick-up queues.

  • All shared condiments and free amenities (e.g. coffee, water) will be removed.


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Our Commitment to You

Every Powerhouse Gym associate is a vital component in creating safe facilities for our members and other associates. We hold high expectations for our teams, and they rise to the challenge.

All Powerhouse Gym associates are expected to adhere to the following:

  • Everyone is in housekeeping. All associates regardless of position will be entrusted to provide clean and sanitized spaces. This will include wiping all counters and surfaces after use, cleaning equipment and studio spaces.

  • Personal trainers, fitness instructors, and coaches on duty will complete the 1-2 Cleaning Approach.

  • All Associates will receive training and re-training on the proper means and methods for cleaning products and expectations for cleanliness, with more specialized and comprehensive training as necessary.

  • All Associates will receive training on COVID-19 safety. Correct hygiene and frequent hand-washing is vital to help combat the spread of COVID-19.

  • All associates will be expected to practice good hygiene and wash their hands at least every 60 minutes and after any and all of the following, sneezing, coughing, blowing the nose, touching the face, smoking, eating, drinking, before/after shifts, before/after breaks and after completing any cleaning.

  • Associates will be expected to wear PPE in so far as required by local and state government guidance and best practices.

  • Associates will receive mandatory training on how to properly use, handle and dispose of PPE.

  • Associates will have their temperatures taken before their shift. Any associates measuring a fever (higher than 100.3) will be asked to return home.

  • Powerhouse Gym will keep a log of workers and clients, including names and phone numbers, so the information could be made available to contact tracers in the event there's a COVID-19 exposure at the facility.

  • Disinfection of all shared surfaces at least every 30 minutes.

  • Pay points and counters will be wiped with disinfectant after each use.

  • All sales will be cashless transactions.


Staying Safe, Together

You have an important role in all of us staying safe. We are all part of the Powerhouse family that wants to stay healthy--and so we ask that you please keep in mind these etiquette guidelines while at the club.


  • Please do not come to the club if you feel sick.

  • If you need to self-quarantine, let us know and we will credit your account for two weeks of dues. And then please stay at home!

  • Please be respectful of social distance guidelines while at the club, for yourself and others.

  • Please practice proper hand washing while at the club.

  • Please wipe down the equipment and spaces you use after you are done.

  • In the early stages of opening, we ask that you limit your time at the club to ninety minutes per visit. This will help us control the reduced capacity of the club.


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Cleaning Philosophy
Enhanced Policies
Preparing Our Team
Member Etiquette
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